Can you believe it’s almost JULY?!?! Where in the WORLD did June go??? Crazy to me. I wanted to be sure to make a blog post for my favorite Walmart items of the month, which you know has to include this perfect Summer dress!

I absolutely LOOOOOVE the fit…the details…and the color…It will look even cuter paired with a jean jacket when it starts to cool back down.

Also rounded up some other dresses I saw while browsing the Walmart website that would be great for the Summer months!

Also…if you know me well, you know I love a good self tanner…and I’m ALSO a sucker for cute, fun packaging. I walked past this self tanner…and grabbed it right away, based on packaging. HAHAHAHA! I’ve for some reason never heard anyone talk about it, so I wanted to try it. It’s WAAAAAAAY cheaper than any other self tanner I have tried…and I have to say…I really like it!! And bonus…it’s under 10 bucks!

I also grabbed their mitt that is specifically for helping to self tan your back because I hadn’t seen one myself before….and now I’m wondering where this has been my entire life. Game changer!

They also have a mitt that you can use for the rest of your body (which I ALWAYS recommend using one because getting that stuff off your hands is one of the hardest things in life, I swear!!!
And to round out some favorites….I’ve been seeing these kitchen appliances pop up around social media…and I think they might be some of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen!! Like…that air fryer is CUUUUUUUUUUUTE. And the toaster might be a good replacement for the one we have currently that Noah almost set on fire the other day because he burnt his toast completely black.

Linking up the rest of the goodies right here for you!
xoxo, jess
*Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post.
Katherine King
Do you the two fans on either side of bed?