I know, I know….it’s not December and we haven’t celebrated Thanksgiving yet. I get it. But listen. Have you ever seen the twinkle of a Christmas tree? Because it soothes my soul. I’ve told Jared if I could, I’d squeeze a million trees into every corner of this house. (He knows I’m not kidding either!!) I wanted to link up our tree that we got this year for you while it’s still in stock…because everyone knows the frustrations right now of things selling out and usually not coming back in stock. So really…I’m doing this for you…Not for the twinkle…right?! (Insert Angel emoji here)

Linking a few things that I’ve started to pick up to decorate the tree as well. I haven’t done that part yet…But I like to get my things together to be able to lay them all out and get a feel for what the vibe for the tree will be. These ornaments are SO GORGEOUS…and the price is insanely affordable. I’m really blown away by the quality. I made sure to grab enough because I KNOW they will sell out and I wont be able to get them…story of my life.

And just in case you wanted to see a few of my other favorite trees right now that are still in stock…here ya go! Truly…these prices can’t be beat and they are stunning in person. If you need a tree this year, these are worth checking into! But don’t wait too long 🙂
I’ll be back with another post once I get everything together to decorate. I know you are just on pins and needles waiting to see :):) Hahaha!
xoxo, jess
Amanda Lee
Your the best!!! I had no idea you had a blog till today!!! And I can’t figure out how to get the newsletter!!!!
Can’t wait to see what you do with these colors!!!! I’m going to try and incorporate that deep jade green into my tree this year so once I see yours I can figure out what mine might look like!
Beautiful !!!!!!